Contents / Inhalt
Preface / Vorwort ..................................................................... IX
Section I: Approaches to astronomy in early modern times .... 1
Volker Bialas (Munich): Zum Stellenwert der Astronomie
im frühneuzeitlichen globus intellectualis ............................... 3
Sonja Brentjes (London): Astronomy a temptation? On
early modern encounters across the Mediterranean Sea ........... 15
Armin Gerl (Regensburg): Fridericus Amann - Astronom, Kosmograph und Mathematiker der frühen Neuzeit: Seine astronomischen Arbeiten ........................................................... 47
Alena Hadravová and Petr Hadrava (Prague): The Prague astronomical school in the 15th century ..................................... 63
Wolf gang Kaunzner (Regensburg): Über Schriften Georgs
von Peuerbach mit einem mathematischen Hintergrund .......... 73
Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin): Pedro Nuñes's contributions
to the astronomy of early modern times .................................... 83
Paul Kunitzsch (Munich): Late traces of Arabic influence
in European astronomy (17th-18thcenturies) ............................. 97
Mieczyslaw Markowski (Kraków): Astronomie als Leitwissenschaft an der Krakauer Universität in der vorkopernicanischen Zeit ......................................................... 103
Michael Segre (Chieti): Astronomy, astrology, and
historiography .......................................................................... 115
Section II: Copernican astronomy and its early reception .... 125
Dennis Danielson (Vancouver, BC): Rheticus and the birth
of trigonometry ......................................................................... 127
Karl Galle (Washington, DC): 16th-century astronomy and its
professional contexts: the case of Copernicus and calendar
reform ....................................................................................... 143
Owen Gingerich (Cambridge, MA): The invisible
astronomical network, 1543-1600 ............................................ 163
Miguel A. Granada (Barcelona): Aristotle, Copernicus, Rheticus
and Kepler on centrality and the principle of movement ......... 175
Harald Gropp (Heidelberg): New planets in the solar system: Uranus, Ceres and so on ........................................................... 195
Jesse Kraai (Santa Fe, NM): The four Copernican circles and Rheticus' heliocentric providence ............................................ 209
Richard Kremer (Dartmouth, NH): Copernicus among the astrologers: Apreliminary study .............................................. 225
Andreas Kühne (Munich): The reception of Copernicus as reflected in biographies ............................................................ 253
Richard Lorch (Munich): Copernicus'trigonometry ............... 269
Karl Röttel (Ingolstadt): Apian - Scheiner - Cysat: Beiträge Ingolstädter Astronomen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert .............. 275
Section III: The significance of astronomy for the general development of science ........................................................... 295
William H. Donahue (Santa Fe, NM): Astronomy in the service
of cosmology? Kepler' s arguments for a finite universe ......... 297
Robert A. Hatch (Gainesville, FL): Nature's profoundest secret: First inklings, second guesses, second thoughts ...................... 307
Andreas Verdun (Bern): Methods of modern exact sciences in
the astronomical works ofLeonhard Euler ................................. 333
Section IV: The instrumentation of early modern
astronomy ................................................................................ 353
Sven Dupré (Gent): Optica est ars bene videndi: From
Gemma's radius to Galileo's telescope .................................... 355
Fernand Hallyn (Gent): Gemma Frisius, Mathematical
Practitioner and Humanist ........................................................ 369
Uta Lindgren (Bayreuth): Astronomische Vorbilder für geodätische Instrumente im 16. Jahrhundert ............................ 385
Salvo de Meis (Milan): From Regiomontanus to Kepler:
Accuracy and applications of astronomical ephemerides .......... 399
Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente (Barcelona): The nova stella and its
observers ................................................................................... 423
Yaakov Zik (Haifa): Mathematical instruments: The techno-
logical infrastructure of seventeenth-century science .............. 439
Ludolf von Mackensen (Kassel): Die erste fest eingerichtete Sternwarte der Neuzeit in Kassel und ihre Instrumente .......... 465
List of Authors / Autorenverzeichnis ....................................... 493